A composite of the first pole-to-pole retrieval of ozone profiles from
SCIAMACHY data (Dr. C. von Savigny, ife/UB) as compared with that from a
climatological CTM assimilation (NCAR-ROSE) of ozone from GOME data
(Dr. M. Bittner, DLR-DFD). The change of the ozone tropopause and of the ozone
maximum height as a function of latitude can be clearly be seen.
The first retrieval of a nitrogen dioxide (NO2) vertical profile
(Dr. A. Rozanov, ife/UB) from SCIAMACHY Limb data using algorithms, developed
at the IUP/IFE University of Bremen is compared with a retrieval of NO2 from
nearby POAM measurements. POAM makes measurements during solar occultation. We
would like to thank the POAM
team for providing their data. A stratospheric chemical model calculation
(Dr. M. v. König, UB) has been used to investigate and potentially account for
the differences between POAM and SCIAMACHY Limb retrievals, which result from
the rapid photolysis of NO2 during twilight. Both model and measurement show
reasonable agreement in the stratosphere. Deviations in the lower stratosphere
have to be investigated in detail. SCIAMACHY is able to measure NO2 profiles
The comparison of the first occultation profile of NO2 retrieved from SCIAMACHY
(Dr. A. Schlesier, Dipl.Phys. J. Meyer, ife/UB) with a nearby POAM profile
shows good agreement. NO2 profiles from SCIAMACHY occultations measurements
will be derived in the 60 to 90 deg N range.