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Data download
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Level 4 data (merged vertical profile data sets )
Ozone anomalies
SAGE II-SCIAMACHY-OMPS (1985 - 2022) V4.0, OMPS vertical grid
Ozone anomalies
SAGE II-SCIAMACHY-OMPS (1985 - 2022) V4.0, SCIAMACHY vertical grid
Ozone anomalies
SCIAMACHY-OMPS (2002 - 2022) V4.0, SCIAMACHY vertical grid
SCIAMACHY-OMPS (2002 - 2022) V4.0, SCIAMACHY vertical grid
Level 3 data (latitude and longitude resolved monthly mean
vertical profiles )
SCIAMACHY (08.2002 - 04.2012):
Aerosol extinction coefficient V3.0
BrO V4.4
NO2 V4.0
Ozone V3.5
Suomi-NPP OMPS-LP (02.2012 - now):
Aerosol extinction coefficient V2.1
Stratospheric ozone profiles V4.0
Tropospheric Ozone Columns V2.0 (blended tropopause, see Orfanoz-Cheuquelaf et al., 2023)
Tropospheric Ozone Columns V2.0 (lapse rate tropopause)
Tropospheric Ozone Columns V2.0 (tropopause in accordance with TOAR II definition)
Tropospheric Ozone Columns V2.0 (tropopause at 270 hPa)
Tropospheric Ozone Columns V2.0 (tropopause at 450 hPa)
Level 2 data (single observation results)
SCIAMACHY (08.2002 - 04.2012):
Aerosol extinction
coefficient V3.0
Aerosol particle size distribution parameters V2.0
NO2 V4.0
ozone V3.5
vapor V4.2
Suomi-NPP OMPS-LP (02.2012 - now):
Aerosol extinction
coefficient V2.1
We are indebted to the sciamachy team, whose efforts make any scientific data analysis possible and European Space Agency (ESA) for data distribution.
We are gratful to NASA OMPS team for their efforts on creating,
improving and sharing the Level 1 data set
The distributed data were partially obtained using the German High
Performance Computer Center North (HLRN).
Service and support is gratefully acknowledged.
This work has been funded by the German BMBF via GSF/PT-UKF under grant
07ufe12/8 as well as ROMIC-ROSA project, by DLR under grant 50ee0027,
the EU project TOPOZ-III (evk2-ct2001-00102), ESA Ozone CCI-II and SPIN projects, the University and State of Bremen.
Registration form