DOAS retrievals on satellite data
The GOME and SCIAMACHY instruments were designed to provide such information, and column amounts for many species including O3, NO2, BrO, OClO, HCHO, SO2 and H2O could be derived from these measurements using the DOAS technique. Of particular interest is the ability of GOME and SCIAMACHY to determine tropospheric columns of some species, e.g. NO2, HCHO, SO2, and BrO. These unique measurements provide a wealth of information on tropospheric chemistry in general and pollution in particular. Please visit our GOME and SCIAMACHY pages for more information on the different products or the data page for access to our image and data archive. For strong absorbers and the IR spectral region, variants of the DOAS technique are employed to account for the effects of line saturation and nonlinearities. More on these retrievals can be found on the AMC-DOAS page for H2O and on the WFM DOAS pages for CO, CO2, and CH4.
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