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Introduction Instrument
References Links
early 1993, DOAS zenith-sky measurements are continuously performed from the
roof of the Physics Department at the University of Bremen. In 1994, a second
instrument was added to separate the UV and visible parts of the spectrum,
thereby improving the detection limits in the UV.

Bremen (53°N, 9°E) is a typical mid-latitude location close to the North
Sea. In winter and spring, it is occasionally influences by polar air masses,
but usually is situated well out of the polar vortex. In spite of the frequent
supply of clean air from the sea, measurements are affected by both local
pollution from the nearby highway, coal fired power plants and an incinerating
plant, and regional pollution by steel industry. Therefore, tropospheric NO2
concentrations are usually high and very variable. In contrast, tropospheric
ozone concentrations rarely exceed the warning limits and usually are much lower
than in other industrialized regions.
The instrument in Bremen consists of two grating spectrometers, one for the
UV (310 - 420 nm), the second one for the visible spectral range (400 - 700 nm).
Both spectrometers are equipped with cooled CCD detectors and are temperature
stabilized to minimize spectral drift. In January 2004, the instrument was
relocated to the new building of the Institute of Environmental Physics, Bremen.
Since then, it equipped with a MAXDOAS telescope. As this
instrument is used for testing and development, many changes have been made over
the years with respect to instrumentation, viewing directions and measurement
protocol. Since 2012, the instrument is equipped with a telescope that can be
pointed in nearly any direction, providing measurements in the zenith-direction,
vertical scans in several azimuthal directions and also Total-DOAS observations
of sun-illuminated targets in the surrounding of the institute.
More on the instrument and
measurement principle can be found on our
If you have any requests, please
contact Andreas
- SCIAMACHY validation with ground-based DOAS observations
final report (in
Müller, R.W., H. Bovensmann, J. W. Kaiser, A.
Richter, A. Rozanov, F. Wittrock, and J. P. Burrows, Consistent Interpretation
of Ground based and GOME BrO Slant Column Data,
Adv. Space Res., 29(11) ,1655-1660, 2002
van Roozendael, M., T.
Wagner, A. Richter, I. Pundt, D. W. Arlander, J.P. Burrows, M. Chipperfield,
C. Fayt, P.V. Johnston, J.-C. Lambert, K. Kreher, K. Pfeilsticker, U. Platt,
J.-P. Pommereau, B.-M. Sinnhuber, K. K. Toernkvist, and F. Wittrock:
Intercomparison of BrO Measurements from ERS-2 GOME, ground-based and Balloon
Platforms, Adv. Space Res., 29(11), 1661-1666, 2002
Sinnhuber, B.-M., D. W. Arlander, H. Bovensmann, J. P. Burrows, M. P.
Chipperfield, C.-F. Enell, U. Frieß, F. Hendrick, P. V. Johnston, R. L. Jones,
K. Kreher, N. Mohamed-Tahrin, R. Müller, K. Pfeilsticker, U. Platt, J.-P.
Pommereau, I. Pundt, A. Richter, A. M. South, K. K. Toernkvist, M. Van
Roozendael, T. Wagner, and F. Wittrock, On stratospheric bromine monoxide: Intercomparison of
measured and modeled slant column densities from a near-global network,
submitted to JGR, 2001
Richter, A., M. Van Roozendael, T. Wagner, J.-C. Lambert, D. W.
Arlander, J. P. Burrows, C. Fayt, P. V. Johnston, R. Jones, K.
K. Toernkvist, K. Kreher, K. Pfeilsticker, U. Platt and I. Pundt, BrO measurements from GOME and from the Ground: An Intercomparison Study.,
Fifth European Workshop on Stratospheric Ozone, St. Jean de Luz, France, 1999.
Richter, A., M. Eisinger, A. Ladstätter-Weißenmayer and J. P. Burrows:
DOAS zenith sky observations. 2. Seasonal variation of BrO over Bremen (53°N)
1994-1995, J. Atm. Chem., 32, pp. 83-99, 1999.
A. Richter, Absorptionsspektroskopische Messungen stratosphärischer Spurengase über Bremen, 53° N,
PhD-Thesis, University of Bremen, June 1997 (in
Richter, A., M. Eisinger, F. Wittrock, S.
Schlieter, A. Ladstätter-Weißenmayer and J. P. Burrows, Zenith Sky
and GOME DOAS measurements of atmospheric trace gases above Bremen, 53° N:
1994-1997, 4th Europ. Symp. on Stratos. Ozone Res., Schliersee, FRG, 1997.
Eisinger, M., A. Richter, A.
Ladstätter-Weißmayer, and J. P. Burrows, DOAS zenith sky observations: 1. BrO measurements over Bremen (53°N) 1993-1994,
J. Atm. Chem., 26, pp. 93-108, 1997.
Richter, A., M. Eisinger, A.
Ladstätter-Weißmayer, F. Wittrock, and J. P. Burrows,
Ground based UV/VIS measurements of O3 NO2 and BrO over Bremen (53°N).
XVIII Quadr. Ozone Symp. (IO3C), L'Aquila, Italy, September 1996.
Richter, A., M. Eisinger, A.
Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, F. Wittrock and J. P. Burrows, Ground based UV/vis measurements of O3 , NO2 ,
BrO, and OClO over Bremen (53°N). Proceedings of the Third European Workshop, pp. 373-378,
Schliersee, FRG, 1995.
- The
instrument in Bremen is used for the validation of GOME
you are interested in more information or would like to have access to our
data, please contact Andreas