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About the Institute

IUP Staff 2023

General Information about the IUP Bremen

Founded in 1993 as part of University of Bremen with currently approx. 120 employees

Five departments:
- Climate modelling (Prof. V. Eyring)
- Oceanography (Prof. M. Rhein)
- ‏Inverse modelling (Prof. M. Vrekoussis)
- Remote Sensing (Prof. J. Notholt)
- ‏Atmospheric Physics and Chem. (Prof. H. Bösch)

‏Focus on accurate measurement sets to assess and understand natural and anthropogenic changes in atmosphere (ocean, surface/ice)‏

Long-term experience in environmental data using sensors on ground, on aircrafts and on satellites

Instrument development in laboratories, Environmental modelling and development of radiative transfer models for atmospheric trace gas retrievals, aerosols & clouds
Large computational resources

Students in general physics have the possibility to specialize in environmental physics. A variety of courses is offered at the IUP, in cooperation with our colleagues from the Alfred-Wegener-Institut of Polar Research and Oceanography (AWI) in Bremerhaven, about 50 km from Bremen.

In environmental physics, our students have the possibility to get solid knowledge about the oceans, the atmosphere, and in terrestrial environmental research. In contrast to other german universities, the environmental physics in Bremen is fully integrated into the general physics. Our students many times have even been taking part in interesting worldwide expeditions !

Especially for international students, a Master of Science (M. Sc.) course with four semestres duration was established. All classes are in english.

More than 100 p.h.d. students and postdocs are working at the IUP. We have state-of-the art lab equipment, and high computational capacity, which is essential for the data processing of our satellite projects.

Our laboratory equipment includes devices for gas cromatography and mass spectrometry. We also use optical- and mircrowave spectrometers, some of which are our own development and construction.

Many of our scientific projects are using external platforms like the research vessel "Polarstern", aircrafts, stratospheric balloons, and ground based stations all around the world, from the tropics to the poles. Most important tools for our work are the satellite experiments like SCIAMACHY, which was developed by IUP members.

In addition to the scientific working groups, we have special teams for the maintenance and administration of our computational devices, networks and data bases. Other teams are developing techincal innovations for our worldwide expeditions, and for laboratory use at the IUP.

Your Career:
All projects are executed in cooperation with our worldwide (and national) partner institutes, which makes it easy to get international contacts. Our graduates find open doors and interesting work worldwide in leading science or industry organisations. Have a look at vacant positions at the IUP here.

IUP Team 2023

Number Name
1 John Burrows
2 Justus Notholt
3 Mihalis Vrekoussis
4 Veronika Eyring
5 Jamal Makkor
6 Christian Melsheimer
7 Monika Rhein
8 Hartmut Bösch
9 Yangzhuoran Liu
10 Linlu Mei
11 Heiko Schellhorn
12 Maximilian Reuter
13 Stefan No l
14 Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer
15 Basudev Swain
16 Barbara Kozak
17 Marco Vountas
18 Alexei Rozanov
19 Xiaoyu Sun
19a Denghui Ji
20 Alexandra Klemme
21 Sarah-Lena Seemann
22 Stephanie Drath
23 Kamesh Vinjamuri
24 Wilke Thomssen
25 Heinrich Bovensmann
26 Maria Dolores Andrés Hernández
27 Pablo Echevarria
28 Anja Gatzka
29 Sabine Hillmann
30 Blanca Fuentes Andrade
31 Jonas Hachmeister
32 Swathi Maratt Satheesan
33 Antonio Di Noia
34 Klaus Bramstedt
35 Kai-Uwe Eichmann
36 Steffen Vanselow
37 Thorsten Warneke
38 Michael Weimer
39 Christof Petri
40 Lisa Behrens
41 Kezia Lange
42 Kai Krause
43 André Seyler
44 Alexandros Poulidis
45 Kun Qu
46 Gunnar Spreen
47 Heiko Schröter
48 Janna Rückert
49 Philip Rostosky
50 Joshua Jacob
51 Hannah Niehaus
52 Bianca Zilker
53 Mathias Palm
54 Sabine Packeiser-Pohl
55 Thomas Visarius
56 Falco Monsees
57 Brian Auffarth
58 Ilaria Stendardo
59 Anja Schönhardt
60 Oliver Huhn
61 Ria Oelerich
62 Maren Walter
63 Christian Mertens
64 Evgenia Galytska
65 Maximilian Tontsch
66 Katja Weigel
67 Marcus Huntemann
68 Alexander Mchedlishvili
69 Nikolaos Daskalakis
70 Simon Bittner
72 Mark Weber
73 Marius Dan
74 Oliver Schneising-Weigel
75 Katharina Hafner
76 Kevin Wiegand
77 Lukas Ruhe
78 Ilmar Leimann
79 Wiebke Körte
80 Linn Sanguineti
81 Jürgen Stake
82 Manita Chouksey
83 Reiner Steinfeldt
84 Simon Wett
86 Twishashish Roy
87 Carlo Arosio
88 Soufiane Karmouche
90 Bettina Gier