How to find us
The address of the iup/ife institutes is:
Institute of Environmental Physics
University of Bremen
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Travel Information
How to find us when you come to Bremen by train or aircraft:
from bremen airport:
- In front of the terminal building, taxis are waiting. A taxi ride to our institute is about 24 euroes.
- The address is: Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Bremen, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen
- You can as well use the tram No. 6 direction "Universität", which also has its stop directly in front of the airport terminal. It goes directly to the university. A ride is 2,70 euro and you can buy the ticket in the tram using a vending machine. It takes coins, and also notes of 5 and 10 euro, providing change.
- You need to get off at the stop "Universität-Süd". Our building then is just across the street. It is marked "NW1" with big letters on top.
- For details how to find us not explained here, such as: how to use the vending machine in the tram or how to find us within the U-building please refer to the following link giving you detail instructions. [1.099 KB]
From bremen central station
- Bremen Central Station has two exits. One is marked "Ausgang City" (on the side of platform No.1) and the other one is marked "Ausgang Bürgerweide, Congress-Zentrum" (on the side of platform No.10).
- Taxis are waiting on both exits but it is advisable to take "Ausgang Bürgerweide" because the taxi ride will be shorter, it will be about 15 euroes.
- The address is: Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Bremen, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen.
- In front (a bit to the left) of "Ausgang City" you can also use the tram No.6 direction "Universität".
- It goes directly to the university. A ride is 2,70 euro and you can buy the ticket in the tram using a vending machine. It takes coins, and also notes of 5 and 10 euro, providing change.
- You need to get off at the stop "Universität-Süd". Our building then is just across the street. It is marked "NW1" with big letters on top.
- For details how to find us not explained here, such as: how to use the vending machine in the tram or how to find us within the U-building please refer to the following link giving you detail instructions. [1.099 KB]