envisat sciamachy value added data archive
at iup/ife bremen

this is an archive of atmospheric constituent data retrieved by scientists at iup/ife bremen. choose a product type (atmospheric constituent, date), then click search.

the dataset is continuously updated: first to ensure that data products are produced for all available dates. secondly with respect to improved algorithms.

cloud products
calendar search:    year general cloud products
   year polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) detection
   year noctilucent cloud (NLC) detection

nadir products
search:     DOAS results for NO2, BrO, HCHO, SO2, OClO and H2O

limb products
recommended search strategy for general queries:
calendar search:    year     gas:

recommended search strategy for selective queries:
calendar search: NO2        OClO        BrO        O3
calendar search: day: month: year:

please note:

we are not offering only pictures but also the access to the underlying raw data. the access is free. however, we kindly ask you to register before downloading them. general cloud products (sacura) can be downloaded without registration.

please register here to download the data files for the o3, no2, bro and oclo profiles as well as the record for nlcs and pscs.

each product has a certain quality level which is described by the technical document provided when accessing the pictures (in the navigation menue on the righthand side of each calendar view). for example the status of the data quality of the CDI products: bro, o3, no2, oclo is documented here.
click if you want to read more about the intellectual property.

images and data provided here are value added products supporting the sciamachy project. we are indebted to the entire sciamachy team, whose efforts make any scientific data analysis possible and european space agency (esa) for data distribution.

this work has been funded by the german bmbf via gsf/pt-ukf under grant 07ufe12/8, by dlr under grant 50ee0027, the eu project topoz-iii (evk2-ct2001-00102) and the university of bremen. please refer to the acknowledgement section on the right-hand side of this page for more information.

... and please do not forget all data and information at this site are of preliminary nature.

last update of this page: 14. mar. 2019/mv
© institute of environmental physics / remote sensing, university of bremen
responsible: webmaster@iup