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Tropospheric NO2 from SCIAMACHY and GOME for
News Introduction Data
References Links
Contact Acknowledgements
- 06 July 2004:
SCIAMACHY back to measurement
Shortly after yesterday's CCA MCMD check error, recovery back to measurement was initiated.
The transfer to HEATER mode started at 13:25 UTC and today in orbit 12286
(July 6th, 10:22 UTC) the MPS schedule was resumed. We expect that detectors 1-6 will reach
stable temperatures tomorrow, July 7th, at about 13:30 UTC. Detectors 7 & 8 require about
16 hours more time to stabilize.
- 05 July 2004:
Transfer to R/W WAIT mode
In orbit 12269, (July 5th, 05:52 UTC), a CCA MCMD check error has occurred and
has sent us to R/W WAIT. SCIAMACHY had the last error of this kind 6 months
ago in January 2004, i.e. the frequency is compliant with the estimate of
Hopefully SCIAMACHY is running in normal mode by tomorrow.
HCHO has been added to the NRT trace gases
ICARTT (International Consortium of Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation) is combining several regional research projects, independently developed
by different international groups in the US and in Europe, to develop a better understanding
of the evolution of anthropogenic emission injected into the atmosphere.
The major participants of the consortium are NOAA with the New England Air
Quality Study - Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation (NEAQS
- ITCT 2004) program, NASA with the Intercontinental Chemical Transport
Experiment - North America (INTEX-NA)
earth science mission and on the european side the Intercontinental Transport of
Ozone and Precursors - North Atlantic Study (ITOP).
The regional projects are involving several aircraft missions
in the area of the NE-US, the North Atlantic and Western Europe to study local air
quality. Joining the efforts by coordinating the single missions, will provide information
about the pathways of intercontinental transport of pollution and about the chemical
transformation, the aging of the air masses, as they pass from the US over the Atlantic
to Europe.
Therefore three main objectives are:
- to study the regional air quality to constrain the
emission source strength and the regional pathways of pollution in the
northeastern United States and the Maritime Provinces of Canada.
- to investigate major intercontinental transport events,
which are connected to uplifting of pollution near the source region due to
the warm conveyor belt. But also investigation of boundary layer outflow
- a detailed analysis of the radition balance, in particular
to measure separately the direct and indirect radiative effects of aerosol
pollution in plumes.
In support of ICARTT, the Institute of Environmental Physics at the
University of Bremen with support from NOAA and NASA is providing near real time
images of tropospheric NO2 from SCIAMACHY and GOME measurements. The plots are
meant as quick look analysis and numbers will change in post campaign analysis.
Currently, only NO2 data is available, but more trace species will be added
More details on the analysis procedures can be found in the
references given below.
The data products for the ICARTT campaign, currently NO2
and H2O, are directly accessible via the calendar below. These plots are produced automatically and are based on SCIAMACHY raw data. Usually, plots should be available with a delay
of one day. If you experience any problems, please contact
Andreas Heckel.
In addition all currently processed data products from
SCIAMACHY can be found in the
SCIAMACHY Data Archive of
IUP / ife Bremen.
September 2005 |
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More data is available in our group off-line. If you have any requests, please
contact Andreas
- A. Stohl,
H. Huntrieser, A. Richter, S. Beirle, O. Cooper, S. Eckhardt, C. Forster, P. James,
N. Spichtinger, M. Wenig, T. Wagner, J. Burrows, and U. Platt,
Rapid intercontinental
air pollution transport associated with a meteorological bomb, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 969-985, 2003
- Richter, A. and J.P. Burrows,
Retrieval of Tropospheric NO2
from GOME Measurements, Adv. Space Res., 29(11) ,1673-1683,
If you are interested in more information or GOME and SCIAMACHY tropospheric
NO2 data, please contact
Andreas Heckel.
We would like to thank NOAA and NASA for funding the work of Andreas Heckel.