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Sea ice Atmosphere Lagrangian Transport of SALT
Part 2: Remote Sensing Measurements of Halogen Oxides
Introduction References
Halogens play an important role in the polar troposphere.
Here, they are responsible for the catalytic destruction of ozone in the polar
boundary layer, mainly by Bromine but also by Chlorine and Iodine. These so
called Ozone Depletion Events (ODE) come along with low temperatures and the
reduction of gaseous Mercury in the atmosphere, the so called Atmospheric
Mercury Depletion Events (AMDE). The removal of gaseous mercury from the
atmosphere leads to a mercury deposition on snow and ice surfaces in the form of
particulate and reactive gaseous mercury (PM/RGM). With the melting in summer,
mercury enters the food chain and can badly damage the sensitive polar
The mentioned events can be observed in polar spring in
the Artic and Antarctic. The origin of the involved halogens is sea salt,
whereas the most important halogen Bromine is released into the gas phase by
autocatalytic reactions on salty snow and ice surfaces or on aerosols. As a key
molecule in all chemical reaction cycles the halogen oxide BrO has been
identified. It can be measured from ground and from space via satellite remote
sensing by absorption spectroscopy. With the decrease of ozone and gaseous
mercury an exponential increase of BrO can be observed, due to the oxidation of
Bromine in the responsible chemical reactions. How these so called Bromine
explosions are initialized is till now not known in detail.
In the figures above, two example of transport of BrO plumes in polar regions
are shown in GOME-2 data
The aim of this project is a better understanding of the
initial Bromine release from sea salt. Further, a possible influence of climate
change on the chemical processes and for this reason on the strength of Bromine
explosions, due to higher temperatures and changes in sea ice cycle, should be
analyzed. The needed consistent time series will be obtained from different
satellite instruments (GOME, SCIAMACHY, GOME2), which provide continuous
observations since 1995. The influence of metrology and chemistry on the release
and spreading of Br and BrO will be included by metrological model data,
trajectory calculations and a chemistry model.
Simpson, W. R. et al.,
Halogens and their role in polar boundary-layer ozone depletion, Atmos. Chem.
Phys., 4375-4418, 2007.
R. Glasow, et al., Impact
of reactive bromine chemistry in the troposphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
, 4877-4913, 2004.
Kaleschke, L.et al., Frost
Flowers on Sea Ice as a Source of Sea Salt and their Influence on Tropospheric
Halogen Chemistry, GRL, 31, L16114, doi:10.1029/2004GL020655, 2004.
Richter, A. et al., GOME
measurements of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO, Adv. Space Res.,
29(11),1667-1672, 2002
Richter, A. et al., GOME
Observations of Tropospheric BrO in Northern Hemispheric Spring and Summer
1997, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25(14), 2683-2686, 1998.
If you are interested in more information in the SALT project, please contact
Mathias Begoin.