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Introduction Data
References Links
Each year, Ozone levels in the Antarctic
stratosphere drop in winter and spring, leading to the the well known Ozone Hole
over the Antarctic continent which covers most of the Polar Vortex area in
August and September (see e.g.
Similar ozone loss is observed in the northern hemisphere in cold years, but as
result of the higher temperatures and the less stable meteorology, the situation
is more variable. Most of the ozone loss is due to catalytic reactions of ClO
and BrO after heterogeneous activation of the chlorine reservoirs (HCl and ClONO2)
on polar stratospheric clouds (PSC). The degree of chlorine activation can be
monitored by observing OClO, a molecule which is thought to be formed mainly by
reaction of ClO and BrO. As BrO amounts do not vary as much, OClO columns are in
first approximation proportional to ClO concentrations and therefore an
indicator of chlorine activation.
Interpretation of satellite OClO maps is complicated by the rapid
photochemistry of OClO and the systematic variation in local solar zenith angle
(SZA) which results from the sun-synchronous orbit of ENVISAT. There are two
different approaches to using these data: either comparison of data sets taken
under comparable boundary conditions (averages over the same time period in
different years or averages over a constant SZA interval such as 89° - 91° SZA)
or use of a chemical model. While the latter is more appropriate for detailed
analysis, the first option provides quick information on changes between years.
In the figure above, the evolution of the OClO slant columns at 90° SZA is
shown for the Southern Hemisphere. SCIAMACHY nadir measurements started in
August 2002. The figure shows that overall, chlorine activation is quite similar
between the years with the notable exception of 2002 when an unusually weak and
non-circular polar vortex led to lower activation, stronger fluctuations and an
early deactivation. The variations observed in July and September are related to
displacements of the vortex which bring air with more or less chlorine to the
latitude range probed by the SCIAMACHY 90° SZA measurements.

As a second example, OClO slant columns derived from SCIAMACHY measurements for
different years in the northern hemisphere are shown in the figure above.
Clearly, chlorine activation was very different in these years, mainly as result
of differences in meteorology and therefore PSC occurrence.
OClO Slant columns from SCIAMACHY nadir measurements are
available from August 2002 onwards. Currently, the analysis is based
on a rather limited set of both uncalibrated and calibrated data that have been
released by ESA, and therefore has to be considered as preliminary.
When comparing SCIAMACHY and GOME OClO columns from the
pages, it must be borne in mind that the SZA at the time of overpass differs
between the two instruments and therefore also the photochemical situation
Images of daily, monthly, and annual averages of OClO slant
columns can be viewed on our
SCIAMACHY data browser
A short description of the algorithm used for the OClO data
product can be found in the OClO
Algorithm Description.
If you have any requests,
please contact
Andreas Richter.
Oetjen, H., Wittrock, F., Richter, A., Chipperfield, M. P., Medeke, T.,
Sheode, N., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Sinnhuber, M., and Burrows, J. P.:
Evaluation of stratospheric chlorine chemistry for the Arctic spring 2005
using modelled and measured OClO column densities, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,
11, 689-703, doi:10.5194/acp-11-689-2011, 2011
Long-term Monitoring of
OClO and NO2 from Space, A. Richter et al., Regional SPARC Science
Workshop, Bremen, Germany, September 17 - 18, 2007
Comparison of Modelled and Measured Chlorine Dioxide Slant Columns for the
Arctic Winter 2004/2005, H. Oetjen et al., Poster presentation at the DPG Frühjahrstagung,
March 2006
Richter, A., F. Wittrock, M. Weber, S. Beirle, S. Kühl, U. Platt, T. Wagner,
W. Wilms-Grabe, and J. P. Burrows,
GOME observations of stratospheric
trace gas distributions during the splitting vortex event in the Antarctic winter
2002 Part I: Measurements, J. Atmos. Sci., 62 (3), 778-785, 2005
If you are interested in more information or SCIAMACHY OClO data, please contact
Andreas Richter.