First SCIAMACHY nadir DOAS resultsThis page is available only for historical reasons. Much more data and information is available on the pages for individual products and on our SCIAMACHY data browser page. Since Summer 2002, first spectra from the SCIAMACHY instrument are available for testing purposes. Although the spectra are not yet calibrated with the exception of dark signal correction, they already can be used to demonstrate the potential of the new instrument. Compared to GOME, the main differences of SCIAMACHY are the larger wavelength range covered, the slightly reduced spectral resolution, the improved spatial resolution and the alternating limb and nadir measurements. Below, you will find some examples of SCIAMACHY nadir measurement analysed with the DOAS algorithm. Please remember that these results are preliminary only as they are based on uncalibrated radiances and a quick and dirty analysis! They should be taken as "proof of concept" rather than as an quantitative data evaluation.
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